Emissions Measurement
What We Do
We support you through the process of measuring Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions while transferring knowledge and tools so you can do this in-house in the future.
Project Planning ensures that the process is efficient and that your internal stakeholders are engaged so we can give you an overview of your footprint fast.
Our data collection programme eases the burden for your data owners, streamlines data exchange and is optimised to gather energy, waste, transportation, shipping and procurement data.
Equipoiseʼs calculation engine generates a comprehensive emissions report with actionable insights for you to set reduction targets and decarbonise.
Access results in weeks with agile data collection and processing
Align data owners with the business case for emissions measurement
Navigate evolving GHG accounting standards with experts
Get an accurate and auditable carbon footprint for your organisation
Streamline data collection and analysis with proprietary technology
Identify the emission hotspots to set decarbonisation targets and prioritise impactful initiatives
Report and disclose granular emissions data to customers, investors and regulators
We start with why and help you and your colleagues understand the value of emissions measurement.
Equipoise identifies the most material emissions categories based on your industry and value chain to focus data collection efforts.
We create a prioritised workplan for data collection.
Equipoise supports your data owners with a kick-off workshop, regular touchpoints and data collection templates for each scope category.
We identify opportunities to collect lifecycle assessment and supplier activity data to increase the granularity of your emissions assessment.
We help you automate data collection through integrations into your IT systems, saving data owners time and creating a repeatable data collection process.
Equipoiseʼs methodologies are aligned with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and PACT frameworks.
Our calculation engine accurately matches your data to GHG databases from national governments and global sources such as EXIOBASE, IEA, and ecoinvent or supplier-specific emission factors. For mature users, these can be linked into your systems via API.
Review your emissions data in interactive BI dashboards that include a tailored emissions hotspot analysis with actionable decarbonisation insights.
Accurately measuring greenhouse gas emissions is needed for organisations to identify reduction initiatives and create a reliable decarbonisation strategy.
Contact Us
We build long-term partnerships with our clients that deliver ongoing sustainability improvements by embedding sustainable procurement excellence. If you would like to know more about how that might work for your organisation then please get in touch: